
The Burrendah P&C has collaborated with the Willetton Senior High School Canteen, Urban Kafe, to provide lunch orders for our students on Wednesdays.


  • Lunch orders need to be placed between 8.15am - 8.45am at the Burrenbite Canteen on TUESDAYS for lunch which will be delivered on WEDNESDAY.
  • The orders will be for lunch only - no recess items available.
  • Payment will be accepted in the form of cash or EFTPOS. (Quickcliq is currently not an option for weekly lunch orders.)
  • All food will be prepared at the WSHS premises and delivered to the Burrendah Canteen.
  • ABSENT STUDENT: If you place a lunch order for your student and they are absent from school the next day, please phone the WSHS Canteen on 9334 7226 to cancel your order BEFORE 9 AM WEDNESDAY, and your money will be returned to your student's class teacher.
  • Please note that the weekly lunch orders will no longer be a fund-raiser for the BPS P&C. Instead, we plan to run occasional special lunch order days during the year, which you can use your Quickcliq account for.
  • Click here for Menu

 If you have any questions, please contact the Burrendah P&C via email  at We will endeavour to respond within 48 hours.

 Thank you for supporting your school P&C.